Youth Ice Fishing Derby
Welcome to 2nd Annual Ice Fishing Derby.
February 25, 2025@ Bacon Creek Park in Sioux City.
Time: 10AM -12PM. Check in is at the shelter
Bring your own ice fishing rods if you have one. Some rods will be available if needed. ALL fishing is catch and release.
Hot dogs and hot chocolate will be available.
To register click on the learn more about this event. (more then one child can be registered for this event adding name, address, and age in the comment section.)
For more information about this event call 712-212-6398
Iowa's Next Pheasant Hunters
Welcome to the next generation in conservation and pheasant hunting enthusiasts. In efforts to help our younger generation play a larger role in our efforts to conserve and provide habitat for upland game, our chapter provides today's youth with opportunities to learn about what Pheasants Forever is truly about. The Woodbury County Chapter provides conservation educational materials, safety of firearms and mentor youth hunts for those kids who may not have the same opportunities as most. Take a moment and read about our youth events or find out how you can become a key component of helping future Pheasants Forever Members.
2023 Youth Mentor Pheasant Hunt
Pheasants Forever mentored pheasant hunts are the ideal way to introduce kids and teens to hunting, as experienced volunteer hunters from Pheasants Forever coach youth on the importance of firearm safety, wildlife habitat and hunting technique.
The future of responsible hunting and conservation lies in the hands of our youth. The Woodbury County Pheasants Forever Chapter believes that taking a child hunting is an excellent opportunity to teach them not just how to shoot game, but about the whole culture and tradition of hunting. Our chapter provides several opportunities for youth to get involved with the sport and to interact with other young hunters under adult supervision.
Oct 14, 2023. Contact Jason for more information @ or (712) 253-7982.
Annual Youth Fishing Derby
2023 Annual Youth Fishing Derby June 10th @ Little Sioux Park, Correctionville Iowa. 9-11am with lunch and prizes provided
Come enjoy a fun morning fish with the family. Pre-register by going to the event page and you can register additional kids by adding their names and age in the comment section. You can also register by calling Scott @ 712-212-6398 or by email at
Youth Hunter Safety and Education
While we all like to have fun in the field and chase pheasants for miles, safety is one of the most important aspects. We promote and encourage hunter safety in the field. Through these classes and education we show both youth and adults the proper ways to hold and maneuver guns, along with proper gun care. Our goal is helping those who are not familiar with a gun, to become comfortable with handling their firearm so that they can enjoy their hunts successfully. For more information as to when or where our hunting safety classes can be found, please follow the links below.
The following are links for Hunter Education classes
Hunter Safety Class
This is a link to the Iowa DNR Hunter Safety course://